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Saturday, February 14, 2009

Keeping The World A Little More Beautiful...

There was another purpose to my last posting. It so easy to be pidgeonholed, so easy for people to apply tags. It's understandable because we all need some means of reference, some way of describing something that may have had an impact on you - in my case good or bad, you decide. 

Having embarked on this mission of mine to redefine furniture for my satisfaction and hopefully for your pleasure and enjoyment, I think there have been assumptions made about what I am as a furniture designer/maker. I'm afraid it's my doing, I have devoted myself to 15 years and close to $100,000 in developing this body of work you see on my website. I redesigned my website to include mostly work that was of the provocative kind - certainly this is the work that has been the most stimulating for me and appears to have garnered the most attention. But it is most certainly not all that I do or have done for many many years. Why is this important for you to know? We're in tough times right now, work is hard to come by. No games, it's tough out there and I find myself struggling along with most creative people trying to find relevance in a world where a lot of people are just pulling in the horses and circling the wagons for a while. So I have a new mission and that is to open myself up, make myself available in more ways than those previous assumptions might allow, and keep potential customers thinking of me when there is a need for what I can do with furniture. Yup, I find myself regrouping.
Artists and arts organizations are starting to drop off like flies. Take a moment, look around you at the beautiful things you have gathered in your lives - your clothes, your furnishings, your cars, the things that stand out as important in your world, music, movies - all of this was created by creative people, people with talents and skills and a passionate commitment to making the world a little more beautiful, a little more interesting. IKEA serves a good purpose, sure, I've even bought furniture from Dania (nope, sorry can't bring myself to IKEA...they are raping our world of integrity in so many ways, but they aren't alone).
I'm hoping by diversifying my offering, maintaining the level of quality I have always committed to, that the last men (and women) standing are those making a high level beautiful work. So, lest one thinks of me solely a man of madness, a designer who disregards the practical, and a maker who doesn't have need for functionality, let me assure you I'm quite capable and willing to make a very beautiful SHAKER TABLE. Or other...

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